Why is soccer/football so interesting in 2024?

Haha, No blog.


In this blog, I will be talking about our industry teacher Mr. Joshua Choate. Back in the industry, Mr. Choate was the most professional employee. Mr. Choate’s favorite hobbies are playing cricket 🏹 and learning JavaScript. According to Daniel Ruby, Mr. Choate loves JavaScript, and back in the industry JavaScript was the easiest thing for him and he felt very professional learning advanced JavaScript.

Why is CNT and WEB so similar?

Both teachers appear on my blog.

(Please don’t give me a 0 on this blog🙏)


This is my
“Please give me 100 on this blog PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE” face.

What Do We Think of Mr. Choate?

“Mr. Choate loves pausing when saying analytics” -Daniel Ruby

“Joshua the type of guy to start an argument with his wife so he can sleep on the couch and play video games all night” -Puskhar Timsina

“Mr. Choate can do a backflip, but it doesn’t mean he can land it” -Srijan Sangroula

“Joshua is the type of guy to tell Armani to “Drop It” (his sentence, of course, 🙄)” -Armani Lang

Similarities & Differences

What’s similar between Armani & Bryce?

They both like to sing & dance.

Whats the difference between Mr. Choate and Messi?

Messi does not know Prakash Bhandari.

What is similar between Srijan and Prakash?

They both get angry when Armani starts yapping about Nepal.

By the way, this was not a blog about soccer/football so you just got April fooled. Happy Groundhog Day.

Thank you for your time (I know I am not winning, but this is fun 😁).